
Travelling Safely

At Martin’s safety is our number one priority and we are continually reviewing our operations to ensure we deliver safe, clean and convenient service to our staff and passengers.

There are a number of things that you can do to make your journey safer and more secure.

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Getting on and off buses

  • Wait at the bus stop where you can signal and be seen by the driver
  • Stand back from the kerb. Do not lean or walk into the path of oncoming traffic
  • Have your ticket or fare ready
  • Wait for the bus to stop and allow passengers to alight before boarding
  • Do not obstruct the bus doors when they are closing – you may be injured. If you need the doors reopened, attract the attention of the driver.
  • Watch your step, and use the handrail when boarding.

Customers should be aware that if a bus has departed from a bus stop, the driver is not obliged to reopen the doors. This ensures the safety of intending and onboard passengers and other motorists as well as assisting in keeping to timetable.

Travelling on the bus

  • Do not distract the driver or interfere with the operation of the bus in any way
  • Stand clear of the safety areas near the doors.
  • If no seats are available, move to the back of the bus using the hand rails or straps
  • Vacate priority seating for less mobile passengers
  • If seated, keep both feet on the floor in case the bus stops suddenly
  • Ensure any luggage is stowed correctly and avoid blocking the aisle
  • If required to stand, place bags on the floor between your feet
  • Allow fellow passengers room to move if they are getting off the bus
  • Give the driver plenty of notice when approaching your stop to allow safe, smooth stopping
  • If you have a pram, pusher or baby carriage, refer to Prams & Strollers section.
  • Passengers are not allowed to carry a bicycle on a bus because it can be an inconvenience or a safety hazard for other passengers.


Martin’s have installed CCTV on all Albury Route Service buses.

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